The Looky-Loos

Mama Kat's Assignment ... I chose to accept.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I'm going to go ahead and do Mama's Kat's Assignment and I've chosen Prompt 2: What's ailing you? Diagnose yourself with a symdrome.
I'm diagnosing myself with two syndroms, because when I jump in the pool I go right to the deep end!!!

Diagnosis One: Epstein Barre Syndrome. I sleep ... all the time. I can sleep 12 hours in a night and three hours after I wake up, I'm ready for a nap. Given my druthers, I would sleep my life away. Luckily I have family and friends that are constantly asking me to do things with them or for them. In addition, I'm happy to say I have a job that I enjoy. Even though at times I could literally crawl under mydesk and happily sleep the evening away.

Here is the medical explaination of Epstein Barre (Eppy Bar as I call it): Definition of Epstein-Barr Virus

Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) is a common human virus that causes infectious mononucleosis and plays a role in the emergence of two rare forms of cancer: Burkitt's lymphoma, and nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

Causes and Risk Factors of Epstein-Barr Virus
Infectious mononucleosis, or "mono," is a contagious viral illness that initially attacks the lymph nodes in the neck and throat. When these tissues become less effective in fighting infection, sore throats, swelling of the nodes and fever may result.

Mono is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which is named after the scientists who first identified it in the mid-1960s. The virus enters the lymph nodes and attacks the lymphocytes (the white blood cells manufactured there). As the white blood cells come into contact with the virus, they change shape and multiply. At first, there are no symptoms because it takes several weeks before enough of the altered cells can accumulate to generate infection.

The virus can affect anyone, but the infection most often occurs in people between the ages of 10 and 35, especially teenagers. It can occur as an epidemic or in single cases, and it is believed to be spread by infectious saliva.
The incubation period for the disease is usually seven to 14 days in children and adolescents. The incubation period in adults is longer; at times it may be 30 to 50 days.

If the virus lasts more than six months, it is frequently called chronic EBV infection. Some doctors think EBV is the cause of a chronic condition called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), although this has not been definitively proven.
Symptoms of Epstein-Barr Virus

The infection develops slowly with such mild symptoms that it may initially be indistinguishable from a cold or the flu. As the condition progresses the symptoms may include:

A sore throat that lasts two weeks or more

Swollen lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, and groin

A persistent fever (usually about 102 degrees F)


Malaise (a vague feeling of discomfort)

These symptoms can be mild or so severe that throat pain impedes swallowing and fever reaches 105 degrees F. Some people also experience a rash, eye pain, photophobia (discomfort with bright light), a swollen spleen or liver infection.

All of these symptoms I have had ... and continue to have ... I do love the eppy bar!!!

Diagnosis 2: Scoliosis

By Mayo Clinic staff

Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine. If your child has scoliosis, the view from behind may reveal one or more abnormal curves.

Scoliosis runs in families, but doctors often don't know the cause. More girls than boys have severe scoliosis. Adult scoliosis may be a worsening of a condition that began in childhood, but wasn't diagnosed or treated. In other cases, scoliosis may result from a degenerative joint condition in the spine.

Fortunately, most cases of scoliosis don't get worse, and periodic checkups may be all your child needs. Children with a more severe curve that continues to increase may require a brace, surgery or both.

By Mayo Clinic staff

The spine is an elegant structure — from the side it takes the form of an elongated S, the upper back bowing outward and the lower back curving slightly inward.

Viewed from behind though, the spine should appear as a straight line from the base of the neck to the tailbone. Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine.
Signs and symptoms of scoliosis may include:

Uneven shoulders
One shoulder blade that appears more prominent than the other
Uneven waist
One hip higher than the other
Leaning to one side

If a scoliosis curve gets worse, the spine will also rotate or twist, in addition to curving side to side. This causes the ribs on one side of the body to stick out farther than on the other side. Severe scoliosis can cause back pain and difficulty breathing.

Let's just put it this way folks, my back friggen hurts and I'm dead arse tired!!!

Brightest Blessings,

2 Things people say ...:

♥ Kathy said...

lol wow gf you need to get to the dr! haha good job!

Suldog said...

Love the last line!